Is Tucker Carlson ready to co-host False Flag Weekly News? Maybe not quite, but he’s getting there. On today’s broadcast J. Michael Springmann and I agreed that Tucker’s Twitter debut was not just brilliant, but downright FalseFlagWeeklyNews-esque: “He’s stealing our stuff!” Referencing 9/11 truth, JFK, truth, Ukraine truth, and COVID truth, Tucker finished his passionate “they’re lying about everything” monologue with a shout-out to flying-saucer-crash truth, citing whistleblower David Grusch’s testimony that our government has recovered crashed ET vehicles along with the bodies of their erstwhile inhabitants.
Has Tucker been watching FFWN? After offering a series of red-pilled perspectives, we usually end the show with either a joke, a UFO story, or some combination thereof. Tucker seems to have borrowed our formula.
The post-Fox Tucker Carlson sets out to boldly go where no mainstream talking head has gone before in search of Establishment lies to expose. But there’s one place he won’t go: Planet Holocaust Heresy. Since I need to stay at least a couple of light-years ahead of Tucker, I’m going to set the antigravity afterburners to full throttle and “go there.”
Parenthetical aside: There is no good reason why Tucker shouldn’t “go there” and demythologize the sacred Holocaust narrative by poking fun at it. The ADL & co. will persecute him regardless. They’re already on Tucker’s case for calling Zelensky “rat-like.”
When Professional Victimized Jews (PVJs or Pervy-Jews) imagine Tucker is talking about them when he describes Zelensky as rat-like, they inadvertently reveal a severe self-image problem. Jon Ronson’s Them describes a similar situation from a couple of decades ago, when the PVJs of Vancouver tried to get David Ike cancelled: “When Ike talks about ‘human-flesh-eating bloodsucking space lizards,’ he obviously means ‘Jews.’”
If, whenever you hear someone talking about sweaty rats or bloodsucking lizards, you think they must be talking about you, you have self-esteem issues. And if you imagine that everybody hates you and wants to kill you for no reason at all, and then spend your whole life battling that imaginary hatred, you presumably deserve some kind of psychiatric diagnosis.
One certifiably-diagnosable example cropped up in this week’s news: The strange case of Michael Horowitz.
Anne Frank, the Virgin Mary of Holocaustianity, has inspired legions of devotees, but none quite like this guy. Will he have the chutzpah to beg the judge for mercy on the grounds that he is a transexual Anne Frank-impersonating orphan?
Another psychiatrically-damaged victim of Holocaustianity is Deborah Lipstadt, who is said to be genuinely female, though it is sometimes hard to tell from her pictures. If Anne Frank is the Virgin Mary of Holocaustianity, then Deborah Lipstadt its Joan of Arc, miraculously winning battles against vastly stronger opponents—like David Irving. (If I were Catholic not Muslim I would pray to St. Joan for forgiveness for comparing her to the likes of Lipstadt.)
This week Lipstadt demonstrated her psychotic break from reality by joining the witch hunt against Roger Waters, whose anti-fascist rock opera The Wall is being falsely cast as pro-fascist by the PVJs. As Sam Husseini writes:
(Lipstadt) recently tweeted, “I wholeheartedly concur with [European group] condemnation of Roger Waters and his despicable Holocaust distortion.” The European group had tweeted, “Roger Waters gig in Berlin. Is there anything more antisemitic than using Anne Frank as a prop on a German stage while prancing around in a Nazi uniform attacking Jews?”…This is an incredible distortion of what happened. I don’t know if you’re familiar with The Wall, which is possibly the most classic rock opera in rock and roll history. It’s an unrelenting denunciation of fascism and racism.
Deborah Lipstadt is too psycho to know or care that Roger Waters buys into the whole Anne Frank thing. If Waters criticizes the Zionist genocide of Palestine, he must be a Nazi! For Lipstadt, Anne Frank is a jealous deity, and Waters, with his sympathy for suffering Palestinians as well as suffering Jews, has taken Her name in vain.
Lipstadt’s claim that Waters was pushing a pro-Nazi message as he “pranced around on stage in a Nazi uniform” is such an extreme and blatant falsehood that it really only has two possible explanations: Either Lipstadt is literally psychotic and unable to perceive reality, or she is a pathological liar. Either way, she’s crazy.
The cases of Michael Horowitz and Deborah Lipstadt illustrate how the Holocaust Religion has driven lots of people nuts. By worshipping Holocaustian deities like Anne Frank, fervently promulgating dubious dogmas, and demanding heresy trials for all who question their nonsense or mock their sanctimoniousness, these folks have divorced themselves from discernible reality.
Tucker Carlson, what say you?
Good one Kevin.
I think it important to note the debut of Tucker's regular show on Twitter contained the first acknowledgement that I am aware of that 9/11 remains the basis of is an unsolved case. Finally Tucker has shifted away from the kind of rude and dismissive treatment extended to Prof. David Ray Griffin by Tucker in 2007.
Prof. Griffin died recently. Of the 40 or so books he has written, 11 were devoted to the meticulous debunking of various aspects of the officially-sanctioned narrative of 9/11.
Good points, Tony. Too bad Tucker couldn't apologize to David while David was still around.