E. Michael Jones: Russia Mocks US Embrace of "Gender Denial"
US Army can't find recruits. Doesn't anyone want to die for the gay disco?
Watch False Flag Weekly News with E. Michael Jones
Denial is not a river in Egypt. What is it then? It is, as E. Michael Jones would say, “a category of the mind.” Specifically, it’s a label that can be affixed to almost any interpretation of history, current events, or social reality that the labeler doesn’t like.
I learned that firsthand from Keith Kahn-Harris, author of Denial: The Unspeakable Truth. Kahn-Harris explains: “Holocaust denial is not just eccentricity; it is an attempt to legitimate genocide through covert means. Denials of the harmfulness of tobacco, of the existence of global warming, and other denialisms, are, similarly, projects to legitimate the unspeakable.” Among the “other denialisms” Kahn-Harris cites are non-Western-mainstream views on 9/11, AIDS, vaccines, the Armenian and Bosnian genocides, the “fine-tuning” argument for the existence of God, the Apollo moon landings, Lysenko’s genetics, Tiananmen Square, perpetual motion machines, and flat earthism.
So if you deny that a genocide took place in the way someone says it did, you support genocide. (Hello, Palestine?) If you think accounts of the Tiananmen Square massacre have been greatly exaggerated, you want the Chinese government to slaughter protestors. If you downplay the dangers of tobacco, you want to give millions of people lung cancer. If you cast doubt on global warming, you are yearning to kill billions through climate catastrophe. If you don’t believe the “19 radical Muslim hijackers” version of 9/11, you want to hijack and crash airliners and blow up skyscrapers full of people. If you worry about vaccine safety and efficacy, you want to spread deadly epidemics. If you don’t think the AIDS virus is the sole cause of the disease, you want to mass-murder homosexuals, Africans, and IV drug users. If you deny the moon landings, you probably wish the astronauts had died from Van Allen radiation. If you believe in the fine-tuning argument, Lysenko’s genetics, perpetual motion machines, or flat earthism, you…you…well, you must want something really, really bad to happen, so bad that I can hardly think of what it might be. Maybe you want a finely-tuned monster that evolved by inheriting acquired characteristics to squash the earth flat using a perpetual motion machine?
Kahn-Harris obviously gets a lot of things wrong. But the core of his argument isn’t entirely crazy: Sometimes people who are “in denial” about obvious realities support horrible actions and policies, and that support is based on their denial.
Gender—the biological difference between male and female human beings—is one such obvious reality. Those who are in denial about it are causing tremendous damage, including a “wave of mutilation.”
As Rene Girard explains, humans are imitative creatures. We learn, adapt, and acquire our desires and behaviors through mimesis. Crazes, fads, and viral memes tend to spread uncontrollably, and “contagious desire” almost inevitably trends toward horrific social breakdown and bloodletting. Culture, especially the enduring, traditional, sacred, “religious” aspect of culture, is primarily tasked with curtailing desire, stemming contagion, and preventing (or at least mitigating) the tendency of mimetic desire to spiral towards universal bloodshed.
The American religion of liberal progressivism, however, does the opposite: It insists that the purpose of life is the endless fulfillment of individual desire (“the pursuit of happiness”) and holds as its highest value the freedom to pursue desire. Sins like sexual deviance, gluttony, avarice, and pride (!) have become sacraments. No wonder Americans indulge in a horrorfest of mass bloodshed and destruction of civic order every four generations, as sociologists William Strauss and Neil Howe have explained. Strauss and Howe have long been predicting such a “Fourth Turning” for the 2020s, and it appears to be arriving right on schedule.
Russia, which has somehow clung to at least a few shreds of its traditional religion and culture, is currently in the gunsights of the folks who stage an epic slaughter every eighty years. Yet the Russians don’t seem too worried. They must know, as E. Michael Jones and I observed on this week’s False Flag Weekly News, that the US military is having a terrible time finding recruits willing to die for the gay disco.
Russians apparently found especially hilarious the way top US “non-binary” officials in France inflicted themselves on Bastille Day.
As James Macpherson wrote in the Spectator:
Russian officials are openly mocking America’s embrace of transgenderism – taunting America to ‘keep going’.
The ridicule came after a photo of transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and non-binary Deputy Assistant Nuclear Energy Secretary Sam Brinton went viral last week.
The queer duo were pictured visiting the French ambassador’s home to celebrate Bastille Day.
Ordinary Americans, outraged that Russians would dare make fun of such illustrious gender-benders as Levine and Brinton, immediately rushed en masse to US Army recruiting offices demanding to be sent to Ukraine so they could die for the right of high government officials to mutilate themselves and/or dress up as women.
Well, actually, that may not have happened. But if the media keeps telling us what a bunch of nasty transphobes and homophobes and LGBTQphobes the Russians are, maybe it will happen eventually….though I’m not holding my breath.
So…The takeaway from this week’s FFWN with “E-Mike” is that we need to start using the words “denial” and “denialism” to describe people who are in denial about the obvious reality of biological gender difference.
To say someone is “in denial” implies that the reality they can’t face is thunderingly obvious. That doesn’t fit most of the issues raised by the likes of Keith Kahn-Harris. It is far from obvious that the canonical account of the Nazi Holocaust is entirely accurate. Most other genocide narratives are likewise complex and debatable. And with 9/11, it is the falsity of the official account that is obvious.
Issues like global warming, the moon landings, and the fine tuning argument for God are so scientifically and/or philosophically complex that the only thing that is simple and obvious about them is that nothing about them is simple and obvious.
But gender…come on, people! If you haven’t noticed that humans come in two basic models, male and female, your head must be inserted so deeply into anatomical impossibility that I doubt you’ll ever be able to pull it out. In other words, you are deep, and I do mean DEEP, in…