Are Russia and Palestine Fighting Just Wars Against Aggressors?
And how many world takeover conspiracies are there, anyway?
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at
First hour: Nick Kollerstrom has appeared on this show many times to discuss his books on 9/11, 7/7, Charlie Hebdo, World War II revisionism, and most recently the “just war” in Ukraine. Let’s ask Nick: If Russia is fighting a just war against an aggressor who keeps pushing NATO’s borders and first-strike-oriented nuclear weapons systems ever closer to Moscow, what does that make the Palestinians’ war against the Zionist lunatics, those psychopathic killers intoxicated to the point of genocidal fury by the notion that the God they don’t believe in gave them Palestine 3000 years ago?
Second hour: Swami Beyondanonda of has spent the better part of four decades, maybe the way-better part (since the rest was so awful), trying to provoke an “upwising” by inciting people (to laughter) over seriously unfunny issues including 9/11, COVID, and electile dysfunction. So…What can the Swami possibly say about the mass slaughters in 404 and Occupied Palestine, among other symptoms of a seriously distressed planet? Tune in and find out.
Then in the final half-hour, the Swami’s Jewish manager, Steve Bhaerman, joins us to reprimand the Swami for his politically incorrect and possibly even anti-Semitic remarks, and to threaten to institutionalize him and medicate him into Zombieland forever if he doesn’t “wise up.”
Watch False Flag Weekly News Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern
In his new book The Cosmopolitan Empire, Australian researcher Peter Myers argues that there are four different (though perhaps slightly overlapping) world takeover conspiracies. In this special year-end edition of False Flag Weekly News, Myers comments on the week’s top stories, then explains how they fit into the big picture described in his book.
And finally, in honor of the observed birthday of Jesus the one true Messiah, peace upon him, let’s reconsider the question “Is God a Person?”
John W. Thank you for comment. But I have money problems myself
God ain’t in the real estate business