“Israel”—an 8,500 square mile insane asylum, populated by the sorriest collection of pathologically-lying uber-racist child-murder-loving lunatics ever to disgrace the human species—continues its ongoing slaughter in Gaza. The World Court provisionally agrees with South Africa that the Zionists are committing genocide. Almost every nation on Earth condemns that genocide and supports an immediate ceasefire. There is only one significant exception: The USA, that self-styled global hegemon.
This morning the US once again vetoed a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It was the third time Washington had vetoed a Gaza ceasefire resolution.
The world stands united against the genocide of Gaza, as well as the slow-motion genocide of Palestine that has continued apace since 1948. Yet the genocide continues. Why?
There is only one reason: The United States of America, the world’s most powerful nation, bristling with more than 5000 nuclear warheads and boasting increasingly sophisticated means of delivering them in surprise first strikes, supports the genocide. No other nation of any significance does.
Think about it. An anti-genocide planet of eight billion people is being ruled despotically by a grossly-over-armed pro-genocide nation of 330 million. As things stand, the genocidal rulers of that one minor group of 0.33 billion people get to decide. The opinions of the other 7.7 billion people—not to mention the pro-ceasefire majority of ordinary Americans—don’t count.
The Jewish-dominated genocide-inciting Western media tells us that we are living through a “global crisis of democracy.” That’s putting it mildly.
Can’t the managers of American empire see how bad this looks to everyone outside their shrinking and increasingly irrelevant bubble? The vast majority of the world’s population, and an only slightly less vast majority of world leaders, is revolted, appalled, disgusted—pick your words, they won’t be strong enough.
The notion that the US is supposed to be world leader and and at least give lip service to internationally-enshrined ideas of justice, human rights, and so on has run into the brick wall of the US-supported genocide of Gaza. That’s the end of the road for the American empire. The mandate of heaven is gone, and it won’t be coming back.
The Role of Ideology
The US has had an outsize role in directing the global order since World War II. Why? The obvious answer is that it emerged from the war with half the world’s GDP and the lion’s share of the gold. Since then, the material basis of US primacy has been shrinking. That means that the role of ideology—the thoughts and images undergirding the world’s consent to US rule—has expanded to the point that today, ideas and ideals of pro-Americanism, not GDP and the big military it buys, are all that stand between the US empire and its increasingly inevitable implosion.
The key to US ideological success is that it has sold itself as kinder and gentler than its adversaries. It pretends to be generous enough to embrace win-win solutions. Look how much richer Cold War Western Europe was than Eastern Europe! Look how much richer South Korea is than North Korea! We Americans are liberals—we support freedom! We’ll let you do your thing! We have enough money to help you along the way to prosperity! And we support human rights and oppose oppression, so we must be the good guys!
Most pro-US-empire ideology, of course, has always been self-serving bullshit. But at least it was remotely plausible bullshit. You had to work fairly hard to get sufficiently informed to see through it.
One of the lynchpins of American ideological goodguyism is being pro-human-rights in general and anti-genocide in particular. According to the public myth, World War II was all about stopping a genocide, and the good guys—the US—won. (That public myth has almost nothing in common with the actual events of the Second World War, but who cares about actual events.)
Today, the group that histrionically plays the victim role in the dubious World War II genocide tale is committing a bona fide genocide. And the US stands utterly along in giving unqualified support to that genocide, in the face of unanimous global opposition.
You don’t need to be Nostradamus to see where it’s all going. The US and its neocon-Jewish-Zionist rulers look completely insane, not to mention morally bankrupt, to the rest of the world. A great many people, some with considerable power, others with less, are going to cast their lot with challengers to US imperial rule. Whatever the neocon Western-MSM propaganda machine may say about Putin, most people are going to prefer the Russian president to to the US-funded slaughter of tens of thousands of women and children in Gaza. Specifically, here in the Muslim world (I am writing from Morocco) people are going to prefer the relatively minor foibles of rulers in Moscow and Beijing and Tehran to the genocidal lunacy emanating from Washington and its bosses in Occupied Jerusalem-al-Quds.
Those are the moderate, responsible people. They will see to it that their nations increasingly lean towards Moscow and Beijing. A few less patient, angrier people may figure out ways to send no-return-address WMD in the general direction of the genocidal Zionist entity and its American sponsor. And when and if they do, who could blame them? Perpetrate shameless genocide, accept the likely consequences.
However things play out, from the overwhelming-world-majority perspective, Beijing looks vastly more reasonable and open to win-win solutions than Washington. China’s support for today’s US-quashed Gaza ceasefire resolution was unconditional, and its anger at the veto was palpable. Its UN envoy Zhang Jun blasted the US for “giving the green light to the continued slaughter.”
Russia, under hysterical attack from Western propaganda MSM after the presumably false-flag death of Navalny, echoed those sentiments. Its UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzia called the US veto–“another black page in the history of the Security Council.” He was alluding to the many dozens of previous US vetoes of UN resolutions pushing back against the post-1948 genocide of Palestine.
Russia’s opposition to the genocidal US plays well across the world. Those watching the daily unfolding horror in Gaza are likely to sympathize with a recent statement by Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation's Security Council, stating matter-of-factly that Russia will incinerate London, Washington, and Berlin with nuclear weapons if it is pushed to the brink. Given that the Washington-driven Gaza genocide is also supported by London and Berlin, most of the world probably secretly hopes to see those three cities share the fate of Gaza, where three-quarters of homes, more than half of the hospitals, all twelve universities, and more than a hundred houses of worship have been destroyed, alongside life-support systems including water, sewage, fuel, and electricity.
In short, if there were a global referendum on the issue today, the US and Israel would be voted off the planet by an overwhelming majority—Israel with extreme prejudice, preferably in the most painful possible way, and the US not far behind.
Fortunately for Americans and Israelis, the world is not a democracy. But that doesn’t mean that the majority view doesn’t matter. There is only so far you can push people before they push back. And the monumental, possibly apocalyptic pushback for the genocide of Gaza will come, sooner or later. Whether it comes as a relatively peaceful tectonic power shift, or a massive quake that suddenly and catastrophically flattens the US and its empire, remains to be seen.
From the people that brought you the first "Holocaust" to the real one they are now perpetrating in Gaza...
The cold hard truth and I agree entirely ,as many in our world are now realizing .Many thanks for stating it without reservation .